Coalition members hard at work during the first SAMHSA workshop

The Kansas City Recovery Coalition (KCRC) has a notable history and an impressive list of activities and achievements in supporting substance abuse treatment and recovery. Here’s a concise overview of their journey and current status:

Formation and Evolution

  • May 2010: KCRC began as a collaboration among Access To Recovery (ATR) support providers and mental health/substance abuse treatment centers in Kansas City to enhance Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC).
  • 2011: Officially named the Kansas City Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Support Coalition (KC-SATRSC).
  • 2018: Renamed to Kansas City Recovery Coalition and achieved 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

Key Goals and Achievements

  1. Community Awareness: Increase understanding of substance abuse and recovery.
  2. Advocacy for ROSC: Promote and support recovery-oriented systems of care.
  3. Recovery Events: Organize city-wide events to promote recovery.
  4. Capacity Building: Strengthen the capabilities of coalition agencies.
  5. Professional Training: Provide career development and training for members.


  • SAMHSA Grant and ATR Funding: The coalition was involved in receiving ATR funding from SAMHSA, which ended in 2016. ATR provided grants to support substance abuse treatment and recovery services.
  • SAMHSA Workshop: KCRC participated in a SAMHSA/CSAT workshop in Washington, D.C., representing Missouri and gaining capacity-building insights.
  • RSS Funding: Missouri replaced ATR with Recovery Support Services (RSS) funding in 2017, allocating approximately $8 million annually to support various recovery-related services.
  • MCRSP Formation: In 2018, the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers (MCRSP) was founded with KCRC’s involvement, advocating for effective policies and funding for recovery support statewide.

Current Status

  • Network: KCRC collaborates with around forty local service organizations and state agencies.
  • ROSC Approach: The Recovery Oriented Systems of Care approach emphasizes a person-centered model that promotes consumer choice and community collaboration in recovery.
  • Impact: Continues to be a vital resource for substance abuse support in Kansas City.

Ongoing Activities

  • Annual Family Recovery Day: Held at Concourse Park, featuring activities, food, entertainment, and community resources.
  • Summer Brunch: Annual event in July.
  • Christmas Brunch: Annual event in December.
  • Unsung Heroes Luncheon & Awards: Yearly recognition event that honors outstanding individuals in the recovery and treatment field, law enforcement, state agencies, achieving youth, and outstanding volunteers.
  • Monthly Meetings: Held on the first Thursday at 10:00 am.
  • Monthly Newsletter: Provides updates and information to over 2,000 individuals at local organizations and government agencies.

This summary highlights KCRC’s evolution from a local coalition to a significant force in recovery advocacy and support, emphasizing their dedication to community service and collaborative efforts.