VICE CHAIR: At the request of the Chair, or in the event of his or her absence or disability, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair, and to the extent authorized the coalition by the coalition by-laws. The Vice Chair shall have such other powers as the Board of Officers may determine and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board of officers.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall have charge of such books, documents, and papers as the Board of Officers may determine; shall obtain and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Officers and of the general coalition meetings; shall keep a record containing the names of all persons who are directors of the Officers, showing their places of business and residence, and such book shall be open for inspection by coalition Officers; shall in general, perform all the duties pertinent to the office of Secretary, subject to the control of the Board of Officers; and shall do and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Officers. It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairman to render to the Chairman such assistance as may be required.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: He/she shall serve in the role of keeping order in the official coalition meetings; however, he/she does not have to be a registered or certified parliamentarian. His or her primary responsibility shall be to enable and assists all officers and members to govern meetings by parliamentary authority, specifically Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. The Parliamentary procedure guarantees that the principle of democracy is upheld at each meeting, ensuring:

  1. Business “is taken up one thing at a time” promoting order and an expeditious agenda.
  2. Each officer/member is heard and addressed with courtesy, justice, impartiality, and equality; and,
  3. Ensure the rule of the majority while protecting the rights of the individual, minority, and absent members.
  4. He/she shall serve as conciliator in times when the chair and Vice Chair may be in opposition concerning interpretation of a coalition rule of law.
  5. Act as chair in the event the Chair and Vice Chair have to simultaneously relinquish their chairs for a vote they have jointly presented to the general body or the board of officers.